Amit Lennon colour portrait photographer based in London UK

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David Miliband and Miriam Gonzalez Durantez

October 2019

Life after politics

These two shoots were unrelated, though both were shot for Grazia Magazine and in the same month, but there is a recurrence of theme in them. Both were in politics directly or indirectly and both have now left, but can’t escape the endless questions about that time - ‘What about your brother?’, ‘What about your husband?’.

David Miliband, is always billed as the labour leader that got away, the obvious heir to the Blair/Brown throne who was beaten by his younger brother, Ed, to the leadership and then after loosing, completely left politics.

Miriam Gonzalez Durantez, is a very successful lawyer, but is also married to Nick Clegg, who was deputy Prime Minister and leader of the Liberal Democrats. He lost his seat in 2017 and was dumped out of politics. I always think this is such an abrupt end, when a high profile MP looses their seat and then has the sudden ‘what now?’ moment - going from relevant to irrelevant in a single night.

What’s interesting about both of them is that they have used their ‘fame’ as a way to promote causes that are important to them, after politics. David Miliband, heads the international Rescue Committee, that helps refugees all over the world and Miriam Gonzales Durante has set up an organisation called Inspiring Girls which tries to raise young girls aspirations to choose any carrier, and not limit their choices by gender stereotypes.