Amit Lennon colour portrait photographer based in London UK

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Sarah Boseley - 23 years of health reporting

June 2021

If you are like me and during the Covid 19 pandemic were scouring the internet for useful and balanced information about the Virus, then you probably have come across Sarah Boseley. She is the Guardians Health editor and chief health reporter and has been for the past 23 years.

In person she is smart and super knowledgeable. Her reporting during the pandemic was both informative and balanced, she ‘followed the science’ unlike the UK government, but also like a proper journalist researched her subject and offered multiple perspectives, avoiding panic and scare mongering.

I was photographing her for the Guardian Magazine, who were doing a story about her long carrier at the paper. She was planning to leave the Guardian to write a book, but the pandemic hit and she was asked to stay on for a bit longer. She was shy in the photos, as she had not been in front of the camera much over the years - though she did do lots of to camera explanation videos during lockdown.

Check out her article in the magazine here, its full of stories about reporting on global health crisis - including Aids in Africa, and the Saving Grace campaign, to provide antiretroviral medication to poorer countries; the Ebola outbreak in western Africa; and the burden and stress of reporting on Covid 19.

This is journalism that really makes a difference and a shining example of the continued importance of good reporting, in the hands of journalist with compassion and integrity like Sarah Boseley.